13 Big and little ways to make marketing next year even more epictorial!
- More Word Play: Nothing works harder for brands than when words work hard at disrupting, connecting and being fun! More than even, especially in digital or in windows on 5th Ave, fewer words communicate more.
- Even More Use of Pictures: Clearly Instagram burped recently when it proclaimed all future rights to all your pictures. This aside, just as GIF’s demand attention so does adorable and emotional AUTHENTIC images. It is worth remembering if it looks like stock, it feels like stock.
- Videoh my…: 1 billion “Gangnam Style” views don’t lie. The lesson to be learned is yeah production value matters but so does creative value with musical and visual hooks that are both addictive and contagious. There’s real take away value for marketers!
- Rock and Scroll: Mobile has made all of us scrollers- regardless of the device we’re on. Take advantage of this new habitual behavior with rich, story centered “endless” content.
- Think/Be Relevant: Capturing attention almost always is about finding what’s important and meaningful to people. Deep rooted sensibility into the human condition elevates way beyond “brand positioning” and into the brand conscious. Think: Apple!
- Don’t Be Sub- Optimized: Smart SEO is foundational to marketing and brand/media management. It’s not “black box” anymore but with great talent, it can be out of the box!
- Don’t Become a “Socialpedia” Page: Brand info. is important of course; but, being a real emotional and meaningful part of your consumer’s life is the win.
- Post Less, Listen More: The harm brands do to themselves by being insensitive or unaware about “social media etiquette” is unfortunate. But the real loss is the insightful connection (and learning) involving your current or would be customers.
- What Will You Do Different?: Getting your head into this is big. What will you try that you didn’t in 2012? What do you know that you didn’t 12 months ago? Innovation is so sexy but it really starts with being “accountable” to what you/your team is thinking or doing differently.
- Be Provocative and Declarative: Cool apps and other breakthrough tech will only get you so far. Brands that have a “P&D” sensibility, that capture people’s imagination are much more likely to grow- regardless of the economy- because they inherently deliver emotional value.
- Use “Fact Based Passion”: The digital age is the age of KPI’s (key performance indicators) if not always ROI. Regardless, data is more available today than ever before to support big ideas and gutsy calls. Creative people finally have real support to back them with their most imaginative, passionate thinking. We are in the Golden age of MTKG creative because of Fact Based Passion!
- Earn from Mistakes: Nothing is more valuable than helping people understand what not to do, what to avoid and why! Give speeches, be on panels, write blogs, be a for hire consultant. If you messed up and you “own it”, then sell it. You’ll be helping yourself and others.
- Have More Fun. Like really have fun in 2013. If that chicken chain can get people to eat more chicken using cows, us marketers should be able to up sell fun all the way to the bank!
Good luck and have FUN all year long!