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The Significance of Emojis in Brand Marketing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

When cell phones first came out over thirty years ago, no one could have ever predicted how vital they would be in marketing, let alone our daily lives! The same can be said about major social platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. With this in mind, we’reย taking a look through our marketing microscope; is it possible that Emojiโ€™s share the same fate of marketing success as the aforementioned? From cell phones, to social platforms, is there a future for this โ€œsocial expressionismโ€ in brand marketing? Here we examine how brands utilize Emojis across different social platforms to engage with their target audience.

Brands are successfully coming out with their own campaigns using emojis and impacting social media in new creative ways, keeping brands ahead of the pack (credit shirley)! According to The Guardian Magazine, โ€œThis allows brands to โ€œcommunicate with their target audience, to infiltrate their mobile phones, to demonstrate that they are on top of the latest communications trends, and also to convey messages in elegantly simple ways.โ€


Bud Light: Twitter & YouTube



GE: Tumblr


PETA: YouTube



Admit it- you use emojis on a day-to-day basis. Whether itโ€™s on your phone via text, Snapchat, Twitter or Instagram; itโ€™s undeniable how universal the emoji language has become. Now that brands have jumped on this bandwagon, what does this mean for the future of emojis?

For starters, expect to see more branded emojiย keyboards available for download on your phone.ย Emojiโ€™s will also appear in yourย search engine and vice versa, your search engine will be able to read emojis:



Actual Website URLโ€™S will have emojiโ€™s in them:

Coca cola


And if we peer into our marketing telescopes, perhaps there is a future for emojis on a lexical scale? Or maybe they will finally come out with the taco emoji!